The Wayshower
2010 Scott J-R Productions

starring Jsu Garcia, Eric Roberts, Peter Stormare
directed by Jsu Garcia, John-Roger
written by Jsu Garcia, John-Roger
produced by Jsu Garcia, John-Roger, David Hinkins, Laurie Lerner, Rick Ojeda
cinematographer Reuben Steinberg

music composed by Larry Seymour


A traveler through the ages...
The Wayshower, Written & Directed By: Dr. John-Roger and Dr. Jsu Garcia
Running from mistakes of the past, a man finds a secret book with ancient powers - a tool that can give him the answers he seeks. But a Dark Force has been awoken... one that will stop at nothing to reclaim the sacred text. When the book is stolen, an age long batte resumes. But his teacher: a "Wayshower", can only show him the path to victory, for he win this epic battle on his own.
The Wayshower, official website
More film, tv, trailers, animation, etc. under construction, and Coming Soon
